Creative coaching for shy dreamers ready for more adventures

Shy is not the
opposite of

It takes guts to be quiet in a blah blah blah world. It takes spine to be an introvert in a society that celebrates speed and noise.

I know you’ve got guts and spine in spades.

Gutsy can show you an easier way to allow your whole self to be seen and known.

A more playful, creative and expansive way to understand where you’re stuck, learn tools to rewire old unhelpful behaviours and access your intuitive expression in the moment so that you can sidestep the stories that drag you down and find new ones that raise you up.

Being quiet doesn’t mean you can’t


Being quiet doesn’t mean you can’t 🟠

Hands up if the idea of making a mistake, saying the wrong thing or looking silly sends goosebumps of cringe to your core 🙋‍♀️

(Hands up if even putting your hands up sometimes makes you feel a bit squirmy and exposed 👀)

Here’s the thing: worrying about being ‘good’ and ‘getting it right’ might be keeping you stuck.

🔸 Want to speak with ease and stop rehearsing everything you’re going to say?

🔸 Learn to trust that you’ll always find the words — and that they don’t have to be ‘perfect’?

🔸 Want to share your thoughts and ideas with ease and confidence?

Get my FREE guided audio and interactive playsheet and allow yourself to play at being the baddy.

Your imagination is powerful! Dip your toe into the world of character and drama for an instant confidence boost.

Join Unleash — my 8-week group adventure to shake off shyness, release your inhibitions and step into confident, easy expression

Gutsy people

“Susannah was so welcoming and encouraging. The workshop was gentle, moving at a natural pace, never forced or overwhelming. I learnt techniques that I have used every day since and I cannot wait to sign up for further workshops to continue exploring. If I was to sum it up in one word I would say freeing.


“I didn’t know how much I needed this course until I did it! I really see myself acting differently socially now, and creatively there has been a huge impact. Susannah is a knowledgeable, skilled and sensitive facilitator who creates a space where it feels like it’s okay to tackle thorny topics.”


Read Hex’s story here.

“The experience was both safe and stretching – with ‘lightbulb’ moments at every stage. The magic of the workshop has stayed with me many months later. I’m more present, more easily able to centre myself when I feel anxious, and more confident about the value I bring as a quieter, shyer person.”


“I finished the course with a sense of quiet confidence. I encourage anyone who finds social interactions tough or struggles to find a confident inner voice to sign up. You’ll find people who you’ll relate to deeply and the kindest teacher who will give you all the tools you need to shine and lean into who you are.”


Read Lucy’s story here.

Hi :)

I’m Susannah.

I’m your Gutsy Guide, empowering shy dreamers to confidently embrace who you are and dissolve barriers to authentic self-expression and connection. I’m part punk cynic, part toddler entranced by the magic of the world :) And I hold sessions with warmth, humour, creativity and sensitivity.

You don’t need to change who you are or shame your quiet ways to have a life full of meaning, fun and adventure.

Gutsy is about helping you find ease and freedom in your expression, and overcome inhibitions through imaginative play, story and therapeutic drama.

A lifelong student of overcoming shyness and social anxiety, I believe everyone deserves the skills to let others see, know, love and respect us. Gutsy People experience relief, ease, joy and self-trust, and learn to welcome their unique gifts – and share them!

I believe shy people are often underestimated, that introverts don’t need to be wrapped in cotton wool, and that we would all benefit from listening more to the quiet ones (and ignoring some of the loud ones, tbh). We need to stop characterising shyness and introversion as anti-social — I believe shyness is a kind of social sensitivity. We quieter ones often have insights and ideas about how we can all be together differently, and gather and connect better.

As a whisper-voiced shy child (and teen, and young adult!), I struggled with low self-esteem and social anxiety. I learned how to build my capacity to handle fear, discomfort and uncertainty, and how to share my own expression and creativity, including through writing, music — and Gutsy!

If you’re a shy dreamer who knows there’s so much more out there for you, I invite you to take a gutsy step towards adventure.

Get the Gutsy Newsletter 💌

Expect notes from the heart, radical introvert acceptance, shyness solidarity, tips, ideas and first dibs on what’s coming up